CTFtime RESTCON CTF This blog post consists of writeups for :- Basic Basic : 1 Basic : 2 Broken Garbage OSINT The Discovery Forensic Magic : 1 Dance Monkey BASIC Basic : 1 Solution: You just have to take the mirror image of the given string. Flag: RESTCON{RESTCON_FLAG} Basic : 2 Solution: The equal sign at the end signifies that it has been encrypted using base. So I used CyberChef to convert it using base64. Flag: RESTCON{RESTCON_2ND_BASIC_FLAG} Broken Solution: The flag was just an inspect away Flag: RESTCON{H1DD3N} Garbage Solution: A simple strings of the file returned the flag Flag: RESTCON{GR3P_7HE_FL4G} OSINT The Discovery Solution: I used google search as my first step towards OSINT and found that the given image is of venetian hotel macau room. Then I googled its CEO and found his name on the wikipedia page. Flag: RESTCON{Sheldon_Adelson} FORENSIC Magic : 1 Sol...