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This blog post consists of writeups for :-

  • Basic
    • Basic : 1
    • Basic : 2
    • Broken
    • Garbage
    • The Discovery
  •  Forensic
    • Magic : 1
    • Dance Monkey




Basic : 1

Solution: You just have to take the mirror image of the given string.




Basic : 2

Solution: The equal sign at the end signifies that it has been encrypted using base. So I used CyberChef to convert it using base64.





Solution: The flag was just an inspect away





Solution: A simple strings of the file returned the flag






The Discovery

Solution: I used google search as my first step towards OSINT and found that the given image is of venetian hotel macau room. Then I googled its CEO and found his name on the wikipedia page.

Flag: RESTCON{Sheldon_Adelson}





Magic : 1

Solution: The file containd a QR code thus I used an online QR code reader and the result obtained was RESTCON{29a9df89e2858e5a25c83b6a00352d19} Then I used hashid to check if I can determine its type. Lastly I used an MD5 cracker to crack it.

Flag: RESTCON{mirr0r}



Dance Monkey

Solution: Firstly I downloaded the gif. Then I used strings upon the file and found a string in first few lines which looked like it was base encrypted. So I copied it and used CyberChef to decrypt it and found that it actually was a base32 string.



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